Hence, when an SD card is write protected, the first thing to check is the physical lock position. Unlock SD card by sliding up the physical SD card lockīasically, all SD standard cards have a switch that can be toggled up and down to enable (or disable) write protection. Recover data and format write-protected SD cardġ.
Repair corrupted file system that prevents write permission on SD card Edit registry to fix SD card write protected Use NTFS for Mac driver to solve read-only SD card issue Disable write protection on SD card by third-party software Unlock SD card by sliding up the physical SD card lock
In this post, you will learn 9 ways to unlock the SD card: In order to make the SD card writable, you need to remove write protection from SD card. When you need to write to or format an SD card or Micro SD card that is write-protected, you would get a feedback saying 'The disk is write protected' on Windows PC, 'Memory card locked' on cameras, and 'read-only' on Mac. Write protection on your SD card in the first place is a way to protect your files from accident deletion or disk erasure.